
This is the branch of Odontology which treats diseases of the gum and bone that supports the teeth. The bad habits of oral hygiene, inadequate brushing of the teeth, smoking….occasional accumulation of food residue and other irritants that favor bacteria and produce chemical substances that inflame and irritate the gums.

Its principal symptoms are: Frequent bleeding of the gums, especially when brushing, teeth movement and bad breath.

Our objective is to eliminate all the residue of plaque from the surface of the teeth, either from a conventional oral cleansing or by root scaling and planning. The most important thing in keeping good health, is to attend periodically to the controls and maintenance so that the problems do not return.

periodoncia malaga


At CUME clinic we offer the best periodontics services, through the most expert specialists in the sector.
Periodontics is responsible for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases related to gum and bone. We carry out an investigation and study to determine which is the trigger that has created the oral problem. Once the cause is determined, the appropriate treatment will be imposed.

These are some of the treatments we carry out:
• Curetaje
• Periodontal surgery
• Bone regeneration


One of the most common problems that are treated is the bleeding of the teeth. This arises, in the majority of the occasions, for lack of oral hygiene, returning to the gums prone to bleeding.
In mild cases, bleeding can be remedied with the use of a special mouthwash. On the other hand, in more serious cases, professional assistance is recommended. At CUME we perform an in-depth examination to measure and locate the problem that has caused bleeding gums and the selection of the relevant treatment for your solution.


Sometimes we have the feeling of going back to our childhood, suffering again the movement of teeth that can cause its subsequent fall. It is a sign that something is not working well in our teeth and it is of great importance to check what is the cause of these movements.
In the event that the movement of the tooth is very pronounced due to a large accumulation of tartar, the process of extraction and replacement of the tooth will be carried out. The solution can also be given by hardening treatments of the tooth.


One of the problems that most complexes us is bad breath or halitosis. Multiple causes can occur, including bad habits such as smoking, consuming large amounts of coffee, lack of oral hygiene or even gastric problems.
In our clinic we work the fastest and most effective treatments to combat this uncomfortable problem. Recover the freshest breath in the shortest time possible by going to our clinic.

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